So i am back blogosphere. I have been very negligent of updating this thing recently. But nobody really reads this anyways so its not a huge deal.
I am back home and doing nothing. I decided to not do the internship at the wildlife rehabilitation center because it was too far away, too much time, and no money. But I did just apply for a job with the Division of Wildlife as a wildlife technician tracking the spread of chronic wasting disease in wild elk, moose and deer populations. So basically I would be driving around, talking to hunters and collecting animal heads. Pleasant right? But I would get into the DOW and get to work in wildlife management which would be cool. fingers crossed I get it.
I have been just hanging out now that I have nothing to do. I am on my 3rd book and I ride my scooter every day.
I am playing field hockey with the adult league in Denver. Its suprisingly high level play, last night the opposing teams forward line had an ex-USA men's national team player, an ex-Dutch men's national team player, and a currant USA women's national team player. I got schooled but at least it was pretty to watch.
My goal for the summer is to learn how to cook so if anyone has any interesting recipes send them my way. I will actually have to feed myself next year so its an issue of survival.
I find it suprising how content I am with my life right now. I've got my friends, I've got my puppy, things look up in my love life for a change. I'm in Colorado and I have a plan for the foreseeable future. I don't really know what to do with this contentedness. I am used to being upset or brooding or at least dissatisfied. Any advice for contentedness would be appreciated =)
WE ARE A UNICORN covered in stars
4 years ago
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